Thursday, January 31, 2013

What Is Cellulite?

The term describing the hollowed skin appearance usually caused by fat deposits just beneath the skin is cellulite. It is commonly seen on skin in the lower limbs, pelvic region and abdomen. Cellulite normally appears after puberty. The medical terms for cellulite are status protrusus cutis, gynoid lipodystrophy, adiposis edematosa, and dermopanniculosis deformans. In street jargon, it is known as cottage cheese skin, mattress phenomenon, orange peel syndrome, and hail damage. Cellulite is classified in three grades: Grade 1 has no clinical symptoms – only underlying anatomical changes; Grade 2 shows pastiness or pallor, decreased elasticity and lower temperature aside from the anatomical changes; Grade 3 shows obvious skin roughness much similar to orange peel and all the Grade 2 signs. Both men and women can develop cellulites although women tend to have it more than their counterparts. 

Without any definitive and known data, several theories hold as to the possible causes of cellulite. Hormones are said to play a vital role in the development of cellulite. Thyroid hormones, estrogen, noradrenaline, prolactin and insulin all play a part in producing cellulite. Aside from hormones, experts also point to genetic links as a possible reason for developing cellulite. Race, gender, low metabolic rate, circulatory insufficiency and fat distribution underneath the skin may also be associated to cellulite. Diet, lifestyle factors and clothing are the other factors deemed to cause cellulite formation. 
Fortunately, there are numerous ways and therapies suggested as effective to eliminate cellulite although none have medical literature support yet. Heat therapy, radio frequency, pneumatic massages and massages that speed up lymphatic flow, endermologie, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, radial waves therapy and magnetic therapy are the therapeutic physical or mechanical methods that can help remove cellulite. Unfortunately, these methods have no scientific proof that they are indeed effective cellulite removal options. Another cellulite removal strategy is through medication. Drugs such as pentoxifylline, methylxanthines, Indian chestnut, ginkgo biloba, alpha-antagonists, rutin, beta-agonists and adrenaline and amino acids act on fatty tissues. However, none of these drugs have proven to be effective just yet. 

Another way to eliminate cellulite is by wearing special clothing known as compression garment which compress the arteries, increase the flow of blood and lymph to reduce visual cellulite. Liposuction, contrary to some beliefs does not actually remove cellulite. Eating healthy diet and exercise can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Low fat foods which include vegetables, fruits, and fiber can help prevent the formation of cellulite as is regular exercise. Maintaining a healthy weight, less stress and wearing of appropriate clothing like boy shorts, loose-fitting undergarments or thongs can also help prevent cellulite. Tight-fitting elastic fabric should also be avoided. 

Still considered the gold-standard treatment for cellulite is dry body brushing. It’s a daily ritual that requires dedication to have a glowing, smooth and dimple-free skin pay-off. This method works because the lymphatic system is stimulated by the brushing. A firm body brush on the dry skin in long strokes towards the heart, before a shower is recommended.

Article Directory:
For more information about Eliminate cellulite visit our website

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Latihan Kardio Saja Tak Menghilangkan Lemak

SHUTTERSTOCK - Ketika Anda sudah menikmati begitu banyak makanan, misalnya sehabis liburan atau menghadiri acara ulang tahun kantor, Anda disarankan untuk menghilangkan energi yang masuk. Caranya dengan melakukan olahraga yang dapat membakar kalori.
Salah satu cara populer melakukannya adalah dengan latihan kardio. Entah itu dengan berlari, berjalan kaki, bersepeda, atau aerobik. Anda tinggal memilih mana yang Anda suka. Selain bisa membakar kalori, latihan kardio juga baik untuk melatih otot jantung.
Namun jika tujuan Anda untuk membakar lemak yang menumpuk di bagian-bagian tertentu, sebaiknya Anda tidak hanya mengandalkan latihan kardio saja.
“Riset menunjukkan bahwa sulit untuk menghilangkan lemak ketika yang Anda lakukan hanya latihan kardiovaskular," papar Jeff Halevy, pelatih pribadi dan CEO dari Halevy Life, perusahaan layanan kebugaran dan kesehatan di New York City.
Menurutnya, meskipun latihan aerobik akan membakar kalori, aktivitas ini tidak benar-benar mengubah sistem metabolisme Anda. Yang dilakukannya adalah mengencangkan massa otot.
“Otot membantu Anda untuk membakar lebih banyak kalori meeskipun latihan Anda sudah berakhir," tambah Halevy.
Semakin kencang massa otot yang Anda miliki, semakin tinggi tingkat metabolik atau tingkat normal kalori yang Anda bakar dalam sehari, demikian menurut Wayne Westcott, PhD, Direktur Penelitian Kebugaran di Quincy College, Quincy, Massachusetts. Perempuan umumnya kehilangan 2,5 - 3,5 kilogram otot dalam setiap dekade usia dewasa. Itu sebabnya mengapa berat badan kita malah merayap naik saat usia kita bertambah.
Penelitian Westcott juga menunjukkan, jika Anda melakukan latihan kekuatan tiga kali seminggu, otot Anda bisa bertambah rata-rata 1,5 kilogram dalam sekitar tiga bulan. Dengan demikian, metabolisme Anda juga meningkat 6-7 persen.
Tips: Tetap lakukan latihan kardio tiga kali seminggu, lalu tambahkan latihan kekuatan dua atau tiga kali. Pasang target latihan pada seluruh otot utama sepanjang minggu, lengkapi dengan satu sampai dua set latihan yang terdiri atas 8-12 repetisi setiap latihan.

Sumber: realsimple
Editor :

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Olahraga Ringan Bikin Kaki Lebih Seksi Bagi sebagian orang kaki yang jenjang itu seksi. Namun tak semua orang memiliki anugerah itu. Meski demikian, banyak cara untuk mendapatkan kelebihan tersebut dengan berolahraga ringan.

Caranya sebagai berikut:
1. Berjongkok
Berjongkok merupakan latihan terbaik mendapatkan kaki yang seksi nan kencang. Lakukan itu selama 20 hingga 25 menit per hari. Bila sudah terbiasa, Anda dapat melakukan nya 3 hingga 4 kali sehari.

2. Berayun
Berayun memang menyenangkan. Gunakan kursi sebagai alat pendukung. Posisikan punggung dalam keadaan tegak lurus. Letakkan tangan di satu sisi kursi dan ayunkan kaki bolak balik depan-belakang.

Pastikan kaki Anda tegak lurus layaknya penari balet. Ayunkan kaki Anda ke satu arah depan dengan lekukan 90 derajat dari tanah. Tahan posisi itu beberapa menit. 

Kemudian kembali letakkan kaki ke tanah untuk relaksasi. Lalu ayunkan kaki ke belakang dengan posisi sudut 90 derajat dari tanah. Tahan kemudian letakkan kembali ke tanah untuk relaksasi. Lakukan beberapa kali.

3. Melatih paha belakang
Melatih paha belakang efektif mendapatkan kaki yang kencang. Gunakan kembali kursi sebagai alat pendukung. Bungkuklah ke arah bagian depan tubuh Anda dengan telapak kaki menyentuh kaki kursi.

Pastikan kaki tegak lurus. Perlahan-lahan, angkat satu kaki ke belakang, sedangkan satu lagi tetap menginjak tanah. Pegang lutut Anda dan pastikan posisi itu tak menyusahkan Anda.  

Lakukan 4 hingga 5 kali sehari. Setelah terbiasa, tingkatkan frekuensi latihan. Tapi itu bukan berarti Anda terlalu memaksa melakukannya.

Sebelum melakukan latihan tersebut, ada baiknya Anda berkonsultasi dengan dokter terkait kondisi medis Anda. Buatlah janji dengan pelatih untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal.(Magforwoman/RRN)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Pilih Mana, High Heels atau Flat Shoes?

Pilih Mana, High Heels atau Flat Shoes?

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,Siapa sih yang tidak ingin terlihat sempurna di depan umum? Jawabannya semua orang pasti menginginkan tampil dengan sempurma. Apalagi bagi kaum hawa. Bagi perempuan penampilan merupakan nomor satu. Mulai dari ujung kepala hingga ujung kaki. 

Bagi perempuan penampilan yang sempurna itu dinilai dari sepatu yang digunakan. Salah satu yang paling banyak digemari oleh perempuan adalah sepatu berhak tinggi atau high heels. Tapi apakah semua perempuan senang tampil menggunakan high heels? Mungkin tidak. Bagi sebagian perempuan yang lebih senang tampil sederhana, mereka akan memilih menggunakan sepatu bersol datar atau flat shoes. Pilihan ini juga tergantung pada kenyamanan dalam berbusana.

Perempuan yang memilih menggunakan high heels biasanya karena ingin tampil lebih anggun dan meningkatkan rasa percaya diri. Sedangkan perempuan yang memilih flat shoes karena lebih nyaman, lebih simple dan tidak mudah lelah saat berpergian. Tapi ada juga perempuan yang memilih menggunakan keduanya. Karena high heels dan flat shoes mempunyai kegunaan yang berbeda. Dan mereka nyaman menggunakan keduanya.

Berdasarkan hasil riset, 61 persen perempuan lebih memilih menggunakan high heels. 22 persen memilih menggunakan flat shoes dan 17 persen sisanya memilih menggunakan keduanya. 

Lalu bagaimana dengan pilihanmu? Tak ada yang salah lebih menyukai high heels atau flat shoes. Karena diantara keduanya mempunyai keunggulannya masing-masing. Dan jangan lupa selalu menampilkan yang terbaik dan menjadi diri sendiri. Karena kepercayaan diri itu datangnya dari diri sendiri. So, keep enjoy for your style!

Penulis: Sifa Nurseptiani  (Klub Jurnalistik II)
Redaktur: M Irwan Ariefyanto
Sumber: Klub Jurnalistik ROL

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Jeruk Nipis Muluskan Kulit Remaja

Jeruk Nipis Muluskan Kulit Remaja

TRIBUNNEWS.COM - Pada dasarnya kulit seseorang di bawah usia 20 tahun atau remaja memiliki kemampuan regenerasi yang masih baik. Tak heran bila kulit anak-anak ini selalu tampak bagus dan indah.
"Karena regenerasi kulit berlangsung dengan baik setiap hari. Sel-sel kulit mati mengelupas dengan sendirinya," ujar Spesialis kulit dari Klinik Kecantikan Ariesta Skin Care and Body Treatment Jakarta dr. Theresia Tejasukmana seperti dikutip dari
Karena itu dr. Theresia tidak menyarankan pemakaian chemical soft peeling untuk kulit remaja berjerawat. "Saya masih percaya kemampuan penyembuhan yang baik dari dalam tubuh remaja," katanya.
Untuk mereka, ia menganjurkan memakai air perasan jeruk nipis yang manfaatnya setara dengan chemical soft peeling.
"Pertama, muka dibersihkan. Kemudian jeruk nipis diperas. Air perasan itu dioleskan merata ke seluruh wajah. Wajah terasa clekit-clekit sedikit perih. Diamkan selama beberapa menit lalu dibersihkan kembali," ujar Dr. Theresia.
Setelah bersih, wajah bisa diobati memakai obat jerawat. Sedangkan untuk soft peeling dengan zat kimia, wajah tidak boleh diolesi obat jerawat selama beberapa hari sesudahnya.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Secrets for Flawless Skin – Even in Winter Months

We all know that one baby-faced person with perfect skin. No blemishes, no dry spots – just a smooth, clear, radiant complexion. How do they achieve and maintain such a perfect complexion year-round? Here are some secrets.
1.Science and Medicine. The main thing women use to achieve the baby-face complexion are pills. There are several different kinds of pills that can control acne; birth control, hormones, antibiotics or pills specifically made for controlling acne. If you want to go this route, talk with your doctor and find out which would best be suited for you. If you are nature-oriented and do not want to mess around with pills, keep on reading. There are more beauty care secrets!
2.Use Cool Water. Many of us have long been taught that drying out your skin is the best way to control acne. We have news! It’s not. Drying out your skin will cause it to produce more oil to gain back its ‘protective layer’. Washing your face with a mild gel, such as Cetaphil or Spectrojel, and rinsing with cool-lukewarm water will keep your skin clean and clear without drying it out.
3.Keep Hydrated – Inside and Out. Aside from drinking plenty of water each day, fill your sink with lukewarm or cool water and add a few drops of oil. Coconut oil and Almond Oil are great choices. Hold your breath and soak your face for as long as you can. Come up for air and keep soaking for about 3-5 minutes. Your skin loves to soak up water, and you probably know that after having a long bath your skin feels the most soft and smooth. Finish your soak by immediately applying a light, unscented facial moisturizer and either let your skin air-dry or gently pat dry with a towel.
4.Blot Excess Oil. If your skin is constantly oily and shiny, blot with oil absorbing sheets. There are many different brands and they all have one main goal; to remove excess oil without the need for adding more pore-clogging powder to your face. Keeping as less stuff off your face as possible will keep it looking fresh and healthy.
5.Keep it Clean! The number one rule of maintaining healthy looking and flawless skin is to keep your hands off it. Your hands and fingertips are crawling with bacteria. You don’t want this on your face and seeping into your pores. This is the number one way breakouts occur! Try to keep as much away from your face as possible and always remember to wash off your makeup at the end of each day.
Following these simple beauty care tips will give you smooth, clear and hydrated skin making it easy to apply makeup or feel confident without wearing any cover-up at all.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Simple Solutions For Smooth Skin

I’m sorry to have to break the news to you but wrinkles are inevitable. It’s a sign of aging that’s just bound to happen. For some, the appearance of significant facial lines comes earlier than others. And for others, wrinkles appear deeper and more pronounced than most other people. So what can you do about them?

Botox injections administered by a licensed physician has been proven to eliminate these dreaded wrinkles. As always, it’s important to consult with a doctor to find out if this procedure is right for you. But don’t assume that you don’t have to take care of your skin. On, there are several simple solutions to keep your skin as healthy (and hopefully as wrinkle-free) as possible.
Stay Out Of The Sun. The number one cause of wrinkles is prolonged exposure to the sun. WebMD notes one study by New York plastic surgeon, Dr. Darrick Antell, who found that sun exposure was an even more significant cause for wrinkles than heredity. The study involved sets of identical twins. In each set, the one who had fewer wrinkles was the one who spent less time exposed to the sun.

Wear Sunscreen. Of course, it’s next to impossible to completely avoid the sun altogether. And no one is saying that’s what you should do. But to protect yourself, not only from wrinkles but from potentially acquiring skin cancer, you want to make sure that you apply sunscreen any time you are out and about in the sunshine. And don’t think this rule doesn’t apply in the winter time as well. Sun intensity can be worse in the winter because white snow will also reflect the sun's rays back upwards towards you. This way you will get exposure from both above and below.

Avoid Smoking. Another no-brainer (we would hope), staying away from cigarettes will help to prevent you from many illnesses. But as points out, smoking releases an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin – two very important elements of your skin that nourish it and keep it healthy. Loss of moisture means less of a chance for your skin to smoothen itself out after frowning, smiling and laughing among other things.

Sleep. Not only will adequate sleep assist you in avoiding those dreaded bags under your eyes, but it also makes your face less likely to wrinkle. The site explains that without enough sleep, the body produces excess cortisol. This is a hormone that breaks down skin cells, making it thinner and less “elastic”. When this happens, lines are less likely smoothen themselves out.

Sleep On Your Back. Now this is an interesting one. I’ve heard that sleeping on your back is actually good for your spine. But according to The American Academy of Dermatology, sleep lines can develop on your face if you sleep any other way. Apparently, sleeping on your side can increase cheek and chin wrinkles while sleeping face down can give you a furrowed brow.

Don’t Squint. If you need reading glasses, then get them. Sure, that may also represent another sign of aging, but it will help you to avoid overworking your facial muscles. As describes it, squinting can form a groove below the skin’s surface that can eventually become a deep wrinkle. Another way to avoid this is to wear sunglasses. Not only will it protect your eyes from sun damage, but you’ll look cool too. How’s that for reversing the signs of aging?

Article Directory:
Kelowna Plastic Surgery

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Benefits Of Facials: Beyond Wrinkle Prevent

Facial treatments can do so much more than make skin look younger. Younger, softer skin is desirable. Regular treatments can help skin maintain its elasticity and a healthy glow. However, other benefits can be just as helpful. 

What are the benefits of Facials: Beyond Wrinkle Prevention?
One of the benefits is relaxation. Facial muscles often tighter from frowning, scowling, or simply from straining such as with reading. Facial treatments help relax the muscles of the face and relieve tension. They may be able to help prevent some headaches that originate with tension in the face. Some muscles tighten and lead to unwanted lines. Relaxing them reduces the development of creases or lines on the face, particularly on the forehead and jawline. 

Relieving tension may also help an individual feel more relaxed in general. Stress relief is another way of staying healthy and free from illness. When a person gets a facial treatment and the face feels relaxed the rest of the body may follow. A facial can reduce tension left over from work or from a hectic schedule. 

Cleansing and opening the pores is another benefit of facial treatments. Many women suffer from acne, rosacea, and other skin blemishes. Oils may get trapped in pores, clogging them and creating blemishes or inflamed areas. Facial treatments often use gentle cleansers to remove any surface oils. The massaging motion helps open pores so the oils can more easily be removed. Regular treatments can then become part of an overall regimen to reduce blemishes and skin problems that are common on the face.

Facial treatments are useful for women at any age, whether at 20 or 70. Some women may even enjoy simply being pampered for a short time. A woman will feel good about herself and the relaxing experience can uplift spirits. It is good for keeping emotional balance as well as for keeping skin healthy. 

Skin treatments make excellent gifts for special friends or relatives and help promote healthy, smooth, and supple skin for a more youthful look. They make great shower, birthday, holiday, or Mother's day gifts. They can be excellent gifts for co-workers who are close and know each other well.

Having more youthful and supple skin may help protect against recurring outbreaks of some skin disorders, such as acne. Most women will not turn down a gift of a facial, especially when it makes the skin look better and relaxes the facial muscles as well as the mind. Having a facial treatment is an experience most women look forward to. Sessions should be scheduled when the individual is not rushed so she can get the most benefit and enjoyment from the process. They can be most beneficial in times of extreme work stress and can be viewed as an excellent way to take a break from hectic schedules.

Article Directory:
Natashia Panderghast writes for Massage Envy Spa, where you can get an hour long facial in Encino for $49. Visit their website today at

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Skin Treatment Solutions In Your House

Clay, mineral, and dirt masks, facial steamers, microcurrent facial toners, microdermabrasion, exfoliating scrubs, mitts, and special cloths, if you are 1 of the countless women worried with all the state of their skin, you have probably went through the list and tried all of them also. Even going so far as trying the expert and at home versions. As great as expert remedies are and as great as it is to go to the spa for pampering, the truth of the matter is, nothing beats home solutions with regards to convenience and value. 

Microdermabrasion’s enduring popularity can be a evidence of the treatment’s effectiveness; and home microdermabrasion equipment, are not far behind in comparison to their specialist counterparts. Because of its commercial good results, the need and delivery of much better capabilities and technological updates are higher and faster for “home” types. Also, the larger customer base and its standard affordability makes the home microdermabrasion appliance one particular of the increasing stars in the property skincare treatments market. 

If you have had microdermabrasion remedy before, then you have an idea about what to expect. The process involves the exfoliation of the skin, eliminating the outermost layer consisting of dead skin cells. Crystal or diamond tipped wands with accompanying vacuum sweeps above the skin to exfoliate while the vacuum eliminates the microscopic particles. This procedure can reduce large skin pores, erase shallow acne scars, wrinkles, and sun spots. While it cannot take away deep-set wrinkles, you can offset additionally damage with standard therapy. The very procedure that sloughs off dead skin cells also result in a rejuvenating reaction from the skin; it stimulates collagen production that effects in better skin flexibility and a smoother surface. 

The principle behind expert and the home microdermabrasion remedies are the same but for the ideal home microdermabrasion results, it is best to consider a equipment that has functions much like those used in spas and skin clinics. Many home microdermabrasion treatments count on facial creams and scrubs alone, so it would be not reasonable to assume the same results.

Since home microdermabrasion devices became widely available, typical therapies are easy. No more scheduling issues as well as no more excuses equals more therapies and awesome skin. Create a beauty appointment at your home now.

Article Directory:
Looking to find the best deal on home microdermabrasion, then visit find the best advice on microdermabrasion for you.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Green Tea In Skincare

Most variations of tea are a result of the manufacturing processes: these subject the tea leaves to different levels of oxidation. After the leaves have been picked, they are dried by sunshine, until they shrivel and wilt. Subsequently, they are rolled in order to rupture their surface: the chemicals inside then react and start fermenting. Consequently, the leaves change colour - they start bright green, but change to red, and eventually black. Once they are completely fermented, the leaves are again dried, and ready to be used.

Green tea is slightly different, however: although it is dried like black tea, it is not wilted. Consequently, it does not undergo the same levels of oxidation. Incidentally, oolong tea is partially fermented.
  I find green tea to taste light and grassy, whereas black tea is much stronger.

There are over seven hundred chemicals present in tea, including polyphenols, vitamins and amino acids. Tea is inherently anti-carcinogenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and with its tannin content, it is also astringent and cooling.

Drinking tea is also a great way to help prevent dental cavities, due to the high presence of fluorine, and it also helps to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. It is also anti-bacterial, and therefore a great ingredient for natural skincare products, as it offers considerable protection against gram positive and negative pathogenic bacteria.

A further reason Green Tea is particularly good for you is that it contains EGCG (also known as epigallocatechin gallate) a substance that cannot be found anywhere else: With anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, EGCG can help to prevent skin tumors.

It is for all of the above reasons that Green Tea is popular choice in organic skincare products, such as the Inlight anti-cellulite oil.

So lets raise a mug to the wonderful ingredient, Green Tea: Cheers!

By: mscott5
Article Directory:
I work for Inlight organic skincare who make 100% natural skincare products.