Sunday, December 30, 2012

Meadowsweet In Skincare

The latin name for Meadowsweet is Filipendula Ulmaria, and it goes by numerous other common names, including Queen of the Meadow. This latter name is quite apt, as it really does look quite spectacular when in full bloom, and has a wonderful, strong, sweet aroma. 

In the past, people used Meadowsweet to cover floors of churches during weddings (another of its names is Bridalwort). It was also the strewing herb of choice of Queen Elizabeth I, who used it to make a pleasant smell in her private chambers. Meadowsweet has also often been used as a flavour in mead. The ancient druids considered Meadowsweet to be one of the three sacred herbs.
It is a very beneficial ingredient in organic skincare products, as it is a natural anti-inflammatory (it contains salicylic acid, the precursor to modern aspirin). It is also useful in helping to treat cellulite, and is an excellent wound healer.

It is often used in organic toning oils in order to help to keep your skin tight, and to reduce any local inflammation or cellulitis. Massaging toning oils, such as the Inlight firm & tone oil into your skin helps your body to drain excess water trapped in the derma layer of your skin. This water is then redirected into your lymphatic system, and drained out through your kidneys.

By: mscott5
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I work for Inlight organic skincare who make a range of products, including an Organic firm & tone oil

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