Thursday, March 28, 2013

How Body Butter Can Be Beneficial To Your Skin

With busy daily schedules, traffic, kids, and work, life can get overwhelming. Perhaps you become so busy taking care of everybody else that you forget to take a break to care for yourself. Indulging yourself doesn’t have to take long. Something that can do wonders for your skin is simply finding the time to apply body butter after that nice hot shower or bath. Because body butter enables you to repair the skin on a cellular level, this essential cream is a lot more beneficial than just re-hydrating your skin. Butter cream is thicker than a normal lotion or cream, and needs to be worked into the skin. Applying the cream onto your affected skin could even be considered like having a mini massage and feels great.

Whether you are washing the dishes, cleaning the floors, or cooking, people tend to wash their hands frequently during the day. It’s simply good practice to avoid getting germs and spreading bacteria; nonetheless, every time you wash your hands with soap you lose crucial moisture from your skin. Drying hands out much more will be antibacterial sanitizers. By applying a small amount of butter cream to your hands after washing them, you can restore all of the moisture that the soap has taken out. Depending on how dry your hands usually are, you can apply a smaller or larger amount of cream.
Besides the hands, body butter is a great way to soften other locations including the heels, elbows and toes where they have become dry or flaky. You will be simply surprised by the transformation if you're applying cream frequently to these effected areas on your body. It is extremely important to pay extra attention to the feet as they usually get neglected the most. Especially during the summer months where sandals are worn instead of shoes, feet get dry and develop painful cracks. Stop your feet from getting cracked by massaging in body butter daily before bed time. You may even start to look forward to your nightly foot therapeutic massage.

How about removing stubborn make-up and how your skin feels following that. One helpful tip would be to apply a small amount of cream to the eyelid and then carefully removing any excess. Cream is effective for a moisturizing make-up cleaner. Not only can normal make-up removers cost more, in addition they rob the skin of essential moisture. Using cream to take off your make-up is the perfect way to get the job done while hydrating at the same time. Being used as an after shave is an additional use for body cream. Shaving your legs and under arms can leave them feeling dry. The harsh shavers can cause rash and not feel that great. Once you have shaved, why not apply warm cream and thoroughly massage into your legs. 

In addition to being a great facial moisturizer, butter cream is wonderful for the entire body also. Lots of people forget to moisturize their neck and chest when applying cream to the facial area. Wrinkles along with other signs of aging can be lowered simply by applying a cream daily. 

Are you thinking about giving your exclusive someone a massage? As opposed to using a massage oil, think about using butter cream as an alternative. It has the additional benefit of moisturizing and repairing skin cells at the same time. The lucky recipient will leave with a tingly skin and relaxed muscles. Although life gets chaotic, don’t forget to sit back and care for yourself. Warming body butter and having a wonderful massage is certainly something anyone would enjoy. The treatment you give your skin will be worth it.

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Soften and treat your skin with the most luxurious body butter, simply because you will see an amazing improvement to the feel and look of your skin. For more info on Uncommon Scents, have a look at their website at

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mau Cepat Langsing Pasca Melahirkan Seperti Beyonce? Makan Ikan & Stop Nasi


Jakarta - Beyonce mengungkapkan secara detail proses penurunan berat badan yang dilakukannya pasca melahirkan Blue Ivy 2012 lalu. Tampil menjadi sampul majalah Shape, penyanyi seksi ini berbagi cerita mengenai diet yang dijalankannya.

Pelantun 'Baby Boy' itu mengungkapkan 80% kesuksesannya cepat langsing setelah melahirkan adalah karena dia stop mengurangi konsumsi makanan kesukaannya. Dia menjalani diet rendah kalori.

"Aku menghindari daging merah dan banyak makan ikan. Aku mengganti pasta dan nasi dengan quinoa," ujarnya. Quinoa yang disebut Beyonce adalah sejenis padi-padian yang berasal dari daerah Andean (pegunungan Andes), Amerika Selatan. Makanan tersebut setelah dimasak teksturnya seperti nasi. Hanya saja kandungan karbohidratnya lebih rendah dari nasi dan bisa membuat tubuh kenyang lebih lama.

Selain mengonsumsi quinoa, Beyonce juga mengatakan kalau dia selalu berusaha tidak melewatkan sarapan. Untuk sarapan yang dimakannya adalah scramble putih telur, smoothie sayuran dan sereal gandum dengan susu rendah lemak. 

Meskipun sedang menurunkan berat badan, istri Jay-Z ini mengaku tetap makan siang dan malam. "Untuk makan siang dan malam, aku makan banyak ikan dan sayur. Sepanjang hari aku juga tidak boleh dehidrasi," katanya.

Sama seperti pelaku diet penurunan berat badan lainnya, agar tidak bosan, ada satu hari Beyonce boleh 'selingkuh'. Biasanya dia selingkuh dari dietnya di hari Minggu. "Aku bisa makan apapun yang aku mau. Biasanya pizza, makanan favoritku," celoteh penyanyi 31 tahun itu.

Beyonce menjalani diet untuk memangkas berat badannya dengan disiplin. Dia sebenarnya tidak ingin buru-buru langsing setelah melahirkan. Tapi dia harus melakukannya karena sudah punya jadwal konser.

"Aku tidak punya banyak waktu untuk menurunkan berat badan karena aku menjadwalkan show tiga bulan setelah melahirkan, dan itu tidak akan aku lakukan lagi," sesal wanita yang mengaku mengalami kenaikan 25 kg selama hamil itu.

Beyonce menegaskan dia bukanlah tipe orang yang bisa kurus secara alami. Dia harus berusaha keras agar bisa tetap langsing. Dia pun berharap para wanita lebih fokus pada kesehatan ketimbang timbangan berat badannya.

"Tidak semua orang sama. Jadilah sehat dan perhatikan dirimu, tapi tetaplah bangga dengan kecantikan yang membuatmu jadi dirimu," pungkasnya.

Eny Kartikawati - wolipop